We also highlight that Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe / IUCN SSN has issued a Statement advocating against the delisting of wolf, for lack of scientific evidence. READ the text: Download the PDF
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Extract: ‘…. the current downlisting proposal, however, appears to be premature and faulty, for the reasons outlined above, and the LCIE does not recommend its adoption’.
13 December 2024, IUCN/ Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe LCIE) – Concerns over the EU’s wolf downlisting proposal ‘While the LCIE does not oppose downlisting when scientifically justified, this proposal raises critical concerns about its timing, scientific basis, and coherence’ ) . IUCN’s recommendations: decisions on conservation must prioritise sound science over political lobbying; A standardised, science-based framework for listing decisions is needed to ensure transparency and coherence; Population-specific management, rather than blanket continental policies, should guide wolf conservation. “Conservation is a result of decision-making that should rely on credible scientific evidence for guidance. In the case of European wolves, the available data do not justify changing their protection status under the Bern Convention,” says Luigi Boitani, Chairman of the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe ( LCIE).